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Collaborative Video Projection Installation

w/ Mindy Burgess and Jacob Patrick

Installed Environment: Laser-Cut Paper Kudzu vines, PVC Pipe, Wood, Wire, Foam Board, Hot Glue


one full length of the video, was looped during installation

"A Passage Through Pines"

Raw Cut



"A Passage Through Pines"

Video Projection Installation




A Passage Through Pines

Kudzu Collaboration


Horizon Prospectus

A horizon is the separation of earth from sky, according to a person’s understanding or experience. As humans we view and understand things based on experience, in turn those experiences dictate our predictions of the future. How would you predict the Earth’s future based on your knowledge of its past and present conditions?


Considering the current vulnerable state of our landscape, I feel an urgency to improve it with tenderness, learn from it, and encourage others to do the same. This HORIZON PROSPECTUS is an aid to better understand the land we live on, the effects we have on it throughout time, and the importance of each component that is a part of our ecology. The landscape is both a subject and tool to encourage the viewer to foster their own relationship with the environment and question the motives behind our involvement. In order to reflect the relationship between humans and our home on earth, the optimistic romantic and the raw skeptic meet in this timeline through an ongoing visual dialogue that is constantly evolving. Throughout the duration of its installation, the line will change as viewers practice their involvement and add their predictions.


This piece uses the knowledge gathered about the land - about the horizon, in order to predict a new horizon and an ultimate new Earth. Here the state of Alabama, with its various geological provinces, is used to depict the peaks and depressions of a timeline that records and predicts the life of our Earth as well as the possibility of a new one. The downward motions of the line represent passages of time when human or natural caused environmental devastation took place , while inclines showcase prosperity and unity between man and earth. Man made and natural materials emerge and dissipate with the red prospectus as they mingle in an interdependent relationship, reflective of our ecology.


The HORIZON PROSPECTUS aims to emphasizing the importance of stewarding our Earth as we know it now, and into the future, as well as foster a hope in the future earth that is flawless and profoundly sublime.

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